Board Certified Criminal Trial Specialist And Experienced Family Law Litigator Fighting For Your Rights

Establishing Your Legal Rights As A Mother Or Father In Miami-Dade And Broward Counties

From my law offices in Hollywood, I represent mothers and fathers throughout South Florida who want to protect and exercise their parental rights. A father may need to establish that he is the biological and legal father through a Petition to Establish Paternity so that he may obtain a time-sharing schedule to have a meaningful relationship with his child. A mother may need to establish a father’s paternity in order to obtain a financial contribution for her child through the establishment of a court order requiring child support.

As an experienced litigator in paternity proceedings, I can help you with all of the family law issues involved in your paternity case, including:

  • Time-sharing/parenting plan
  • Child custody and parental responsibility
  • Child support
  • Parental relocation

Whether you are a father or mother looking to obtain your legal rights as a parent, we can schedule an office consultation to talk about all aspects of your case. I will explain to you how the family court process works and how I will help you get the best result possible in your paternity case.

South Florida Paternity | Free Consultation

If you need guidance in getting the best environment and conditions and seeking solutions in your child’s best interest, call me, Edward Lopez Attorney at Law, at 954-241-1212 or send me an email to schedule an appointment. I will review and discuss all the issues involving your case to get you the best result possible in your paternity case.