Board Certified Criminal Trial Specialist And Experienced Family Law Litigator Fighting For Your Rights

Personalized Advocacy From An Experienced Drug Possession Lawyer Serving Miami-Dade And Broward Counties

As a Hollywood drug possession lawyer and board-certified specialist in criminal trial law, I have a wealth of experience defending people against a wide range of criminal charges, from simple possession to major felony drug crime charges. I take a personalized, compassionate approach, walking my clients through the entire legal process every step of the way.

From my law offices in Hollywood, Florida, I defend clients against possession charges that include marijuana, cocaine, Xanax, oxycodone, MDMA, ecstasy and other drugs throughout South Florida.

Drug Possession Charges Carry Severe Penalties In Florida

Although manufacturing, distribution and trafficking are the most serious drug crime charges, Florida takes possession charges seriously as well. The stakes are high, even with the simple possession of small amounts of marijuana, cocaine, heroin or even prescription drugs if you do not have a valid prescription. It is essential to work with a criminal defense attorney who can help defend you against these charges.

The state of Florida takes drug crimes seriously, and the penalties can be severe for a conviction of possession or another drug crime charge. In Florida:

  • If you are convicted of any drug possession offense, you can have your driver’s license suspended.
  • Simple possession can result in fines, jail time, court costs, fines and other consequences.
  • Cocaine possession of any amount is a felony, subjecting you to up to five years in prison.
  • Possession of any narcotics for which you do not have a valid prescription is a third-degree felony.

Whatever type of drug possession charges you are facing, I will work hard to protect your rights, help you understand your options and fight for your freedom.

Contact Me Immediately For A Free Consultation

I offer free initial consultations. I will take an in-depth look at your case and provide legal counsel to help you determine the best course of action for defending against drug possession charges. Call my office, Edward Lopez Attorney at Law, at 954-241-1212 or contact me online to schedule your free consultation.